Ways to Be Eco-Friendly During Your Next Move

Moving from one home to another is an inevitable part of life, but leaving a large carbon footprint when you move doesn’t have to be. It’s about our planet that we all should be a little bit eco-friendly. Collaborating with nature to save it, is a good idea. In this blog, we will help you to know the most appropriate and useful tips for your Eco-friendly moving, starting with some important questions like what packing material should we use? Should you hire a moving company? How to avoid waste as much as possible? All these queries are genuine. If you are looking for ecological tips for your next move, here we are sharing a comprehensive list and guide to help you as supportably as possible.
Do not wait for the moving day to come. Planning is proven to eliminate the huge amount of carbon and waste. Planning your move is not only about knowing your belongings and the details of the moving company. It is about collecting the boxes and packing material in advance.
- Re-use old boxes
Storage boxes are useful for packing material. Most of the time homeowners buy some home electronic gadgets like air conditioners, refrigerators, LEDs, etc. Their big boxes can be helpful at the time of moving. You can reuse them by putting your home essentials in them. If you don’t have any boxes at your home, then there are several websites that can offer you moving boxes and cartons at very reasonable and affordable prices. It will help to reduce the moving cost and also reduce the environmental impact.
- Get Creative While Packing
Before you go to market and buy biodegradable packing material make sure to use those things that are already in your hand like towels, rolling clothes, newspapers, and bath towels. While packing your essentials because it is important to take care of their safety. You should pack your fragile items very carefully. In that case, you can use some smart moves like packing your breakable essentials such as perfume bottles, watches, mirrors, wine bottles, lamps, and shades in towels and any other rolling clothes. It will be like Killing two birds with one stone.
- Purchase Biodegradable Packing Materials
Avoid using and throwing material while packing, instead of that, you can use biodegradable packing materials. That is easily decomposable after using it. Have a look at the Checklist of eco-friendly packing options.
- Natural packing peanuts and water solubles
- 100% recyclable bubble wraps
- Organic fabric
- corn starch, mushroom roots, seaweed, etc.
- Suitcases
- Drawers
- Reusable bins
- Clothes
- Cardboard boxes from a previous move
- Newspapers
- Donate / Gift / Sell Unwanted stuff to help the environment
In order to maintain an eco-friendly move, one of the most important tasks is decluttering your home and essentials, and moving with those things that can be used in the future.
- Donate: Keep whatever you are using continually. Before moving, make sure to sort all your stuff and divide them into two parts: things that you are using and things that you are not using. Anything that no longer fits you or hasn’t been worn for the last one or two years can be donated. If you will declutter things from the packing stuff it could help This is one of the best ways to ensure a stress-free and successful move.
- GIFT: You can ask your friends and relatives about the items that are lightly used but you are not using them now. This way instead of throwing away your items you can care for both the environment and your dear pals.
- Sell: You can sell those things that you are not going to move with you to your new home. The money you will get on the time of selling gadgets and essentials can be used in moving the budget. If the things are not in good condition and you realize they are to throw, you must contact your nearest recycling center. It will be your positive step toward the environment.
- Dispose Of Trash Carefully
The things that most people consider trash are Clothes that are no longer fit or have stains on them, kids’ old toys, Kitchen broken and cracked items that can’t be used, Broken appliances, etc. before moving your home the most important thing is to remove trash from your home. If the equipment and clothes that you think are no longer in use, you can throw them into the trash. Make sure to dispose of it without affecting nature and you can find ways to dispose of your equipment in eco-friendly ways.
- Hire movers who care about the environment
If you want future generations to experience the same thing that we are experiencing today, we need to start thinking about how we can treat the planet which is in bad condition day by day. While moving your home you can make some contribution to saving nature.
If you are thinking of moving with the help of your friends and family or you will be going to a professional company to assist you in moving? Before hiring the company you need to be sure that their process makes them eco-friendly.
Tips to ensure you hire an eco-friendly moving company
If you are planning to hire a company that considers eco-friendly procedures while moving essentials. It is important to make sure of their green practices. Harry the Mover is a highly recommended moving company due to its quality of providing such brilliant services. Below are some of the important questions that you should ask your company before hiring the company.
5 questions to ask eco movers:
- Do they use reusable boxes, bins, and containers?
- Do they use biodegradable packing material?
- Will they send you some of the references to cross-check the quality of your work?
- What extra efforts does your moving company do to ensure you are moving sustainably?
- What eco-friendly points will they consider while moving to my home?
The Bottom Line
Reducing your carbon footprint is not as hard as most people think. It takes some extra effort if you are considering an eco-friendly move but it’s worth it. You just need to be detailed and planned in advance. Focus on the factors that will help to contribute to the safety of the environment. We Harry the Mover consider the environment safe while providing relocation services. You can contact our team at (1800 318 026) for reliable and satisfactory Moving Services. We are known as the best and highly recommended House Removalists in Melbourne.
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